how do you know if you feel platonic or romantic love without physical attraction?
I Met my abusive ex after years.
Me F 18 I discovered THAT My 20 M boyfriend likes femboys
Reddit, how were you able to channel your heartbreak, grief, anger, or loss into motivation at the gym?
What is some stereotype/lie that people tell about your country that bothers you?
People not from The United States, what do people think of us where you’re from?
When's the last time you saw someone with a hickey?
I forgave my rapist and I'm tired of others not respecting my decision
Spent way too long making a gift guide 😭😂
My CPR alarm was for a man getting a heart attack durning sex.
My 5 am curse
Songs about sexual assault
Why is reading considered a hobby but binging Netflix isn’t?
Hi colleagues forget my girlfriends ass and boobs please.
Can you avoid the guns?
Everyone is so concerned with victimless crimes, but what is the worst victimful non-crime?
Due to the benefits of growing up in a certain location or having a strong culture where you grew up. Was there a thing many teenages got good at doing that most other people of the same age from different locations couldn't do and what was it?
Most Free-to-Play games have no business being FTP
(23F)(27M) he says I need to prove I’m wife material to propose
What food opinion will have everyone at your throat?
What is the most physically painful thing you've been through in your life?
What do you believe to be true love?
My ex (F30) recently texted me (M28) asking to catch up. How do I tell my current SO (F29) that I'd like to have a friendship with my ex?
Anybody else had an irrational belief they will die at a certain age?
What was your favorite age to be?