Any trapper items that require parrot feathers?
Can you talk your way out of a murder charge?
What seems like a stylistic choice is canon to their anatomy.
ELI5: Why is lot of code based on numbers that are multiples of 4?
Does anyone else do well in ship combat but terribly in hand to hand?
Characters obsessed with a certain food
How do I get people to stop preaching to me?
Help me understand Why-Man’s objective (Manga ending spoilers)
Does familiarity apply to all variants of a weapon or do unique weapons not apply?
What’s up with the deal reached with Canada and Mexico?
GF’s roommates mocking me behind my back.
The moment you say a specific word or phrase, the entire random just comes rolling in
Séance is making the same spectral card every time?
If bathing in the Styx makes you invulnerable, why didn’t more people do it?
Is it worth picking up if my laptop can’t support high graphics?
Had this thing for almost 7 years now, might be time to replace it.
How to reroll shop with tag?
Which card should the blueprint go next to?
Best deck to use to unlock Plasma?
I thought they killed you? Yeah, but I got better.
Activities that raise stats without time passing?
ELI5 Why Climate Change is causing colder weather in some states
“It should be me!”
If you don’t want consumers to find a better deal, why does that deal exist in the first place?