Low driven playsyle + needs immidiate nerf
My top 3 cards of all time, what is yours?
Do I quit till futais?
Show us your 90x4 pack
Best 48 hours in 15 years
87+ Mixed Icons Player Pick SBC (TOTY included)
Elite division.
Lautaro sbc worth it?
So what now ? After Salwans assassination
If i see Guendozi & Zidane combo again..
[Official] PFL Road to Dubai Champions Series: Nurmagomedov vs. Hughes - Live Discussion Thread
My squad so far before TOTY. Show us yours.
Wojciech Szczesny straight red card against Real Madrid 56'
Winter Wildcards Gavi SBC
Who is the biggest fraud you’ve used this year? This is mine 😔
Inigo's reaction to Ferran's 1st touch
All Thunderstruck Upgrades
Rashford powershot +
The fact people can get away with this.
Why is manual defending being punished like this(after patch)
Who do you think Barça will sign with the new Nike deal and the new Camp Nou coming up?
What kinda opponents triggers/annoy you the most?
Rivals not working?
What happened to cosmetic evos?