MBE and MEE Flashcards
5K runs
Bar exam cards
New puppies - need advice
Where does one go to find marathons or preferably, half marathons to start getting involved in?
Bar flash cards MBE & MEE
PACC hours MLK day?
I feel like a failure
PACC dog hours New Year’s Day
Any recommendations for safe apartments in Tucson?
Tucson's most important issues
Therapists in Tucson
PACC needs help w Puppies y’all 🙏
Bar cards
MPRE/Bar - Barbri vs Themis
Bar prep using Kaplan
Advice for new hobby of running
MBE MEE flashcards
Themis regret - HELP!
Signs of Tucson
Is Barbri Good for MPRE Prep?
Passed in AZ
so terrified of not making friends in law school…