What's the wealthiest Muslim majority country that does not rely on resource extraction for its economy? Malaysia? But they have a lot of oil and natural gas as well.
Do you think American style suburbs have more cons than pros?
2 months of rapidly changing voting intentions in Canada, side-by-side
2 months of rapidly changing voting intentions in Canada portrayed side-by-side
Racism against Indians
Do YOU think Afghans are Central Asians?
Do Afghans identify as Central Asian or South Asian?
WARMINGTON: Folks are free to pray, but should that mean shutting down Yonge?
Sarnia mayor calls for U.S. flags to be removed from city-owned sites
Daily Federal Poll (Liaison Strategies) | March 18 | LPC 40%, CPC 36%, NDP 10%, BQ 6%, GRN 4%, PPC 2%
They did Lana so dirty 😭
Scottish Independence Result 2014
Does your country 'Live, Laugh, Love'?
Trump Says It’ll Be Easier to Deal With Liberal Leader in Canada
The state of obesity in North America (2021)
What nationality of latino men are the most metrosexual?
Sièges prévus pour les élections fédérales canadiennes au 18 mars 2025 (Source : 338canada.com) | Projected Seats for Canada Federal Election as of March 18, 2025 (Source: 338canada.com)
I know it can be said to anyone but I wanted to tell it to y'all specifically
Anyone else really dislikes their native language and prefers to always think and speak in foreign language?
What city looks very stereotypical for the country or culture it's situated in?
What I noticed about feminists?
338 Canada: LPC: 177, CPC: 132, BQ: 25, NDP: 7, GRN: 2
Is your country richer or poorer than Bulgaria, the poorest country in the EU? (GDP PPP per capita)
After more 30 years how much do you use russian in Central Asia?
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