My BFEP: is it normal??
VSS , BFEP , FLOATERS and many other entoptic phenomenons
Seeing floaters in dark also. Has anybody experiencing same? What should I do?
Seeing BFEP in dark rooms
KH 2 official
Do you guys have Blue Field Entoptic Phenomenon?
Does anybody else see Blue Field Entoptic Phenomenon in places other than the sky?
Any other Cleriths just not part of FFVII groups? Seriously thinking about unfollowing
Do you have those extra pixels popping up like this ??
So I have been wondering how the Timer mechanic of Lightning Returns could have been better handled
Anyones Visual Snow like this? With Variety of random extra pixels popping up all the time?
What spiritual advice would you give to someone(like me) with severe health anxiety..?
Anyone having these types of pixelated pop ups especially when closing eyes ?? or trying to sleep ?
How many hours do you spend with your phone and PC/PS per day???
Visual Snow Obsession
How do you experience The blue field entoptic phenomenon?
How Riku became my KH favorite character
Does your snow get worse when exhausted?
Imagine KH4 starting like this
Only OG know the feeling..
Random black dots
Did anyone notice this on BBS intro?
VSS ruining my mental health
Eye Glitches
Who is your favorite trio in the franchise? Which trio has the best chemistry, collective character arcs, and overall engaging stories between each other?