Actual drop time
Akilah’s Death Could Bring Travis and Natalie Back Together
Stop this photo of Shauna makes me melt 😭😭
Small detail I noticed
So this is likely Travis choking Lottie in the S3 promo, what are our theories here?
Stills from Season 3 Trailer
Whos afraid of little old me.
learners license as id?
Wyd if I send you this?
Will Crystal return
Should they go back to the place of pain? I SAY YES
Refusing the draw
Realisations from someone 7 Months recovered
How many girls die
recovery w no medical help scares me
Recovery w out medical help
can low bmi get you admitted alone
seeing a psychiatrist
sobbing because cant purge
bmi 16.6
first time binging in SO LONG
heart rate keeps going to the 30s in sleep
scared that im gonna gain now