Red Hulk appreciation post
I swear if they don’t drop the Artgerm Firehair this year, imma lose my mind
[DBZ] Realistically, how different would the Buu Saga turn out if Gohan caught the potara and fused with Goku?
Far far far away, this exist somewhere.
Israel launches new strikes against Hamas and promises ‘increasing military force’ after talks stall
[Marvel] Why is Maestro Hulk so evil?
So when are we gonna get Artgerm Black Widow (1967)
[Dragon Ball/Dragon BallZ] If Babidi used his spell to take control of piccolo instead of Vegeta, would he have gone back to being “Majunior” or fully Demon King Piccolo”?
First time I had all 4 arcana in opening hand
Not the best deck but I’ve been having loads of fun with this
Well this was unexpected
What’s your favorite card deploy effect?
Thank god, I was worried I’d have nothing for firehair
All my stuff from Sanctum
Loved Sanctum: 6 new cards in 2 weeks plus a game mechanic that felt fresh
Reward for my Favorite Upcoming Album
Welp I did it…
Absolute banger I got from a cache
Imma say it, this guy is top 10
Is there anyway for The Professor to come back
I’d like to see the original Professor Hulk return, is there anyway he could?
Currently gettin ready for Starbrand and Skaar Tuesday
We need this Artgerm piece as a Wolverine variant
Such a nice variant.