Well.... Things are finally getting serious now
Sunny needs to suffer alone
i need a reason to continue the novel
What I thought the cohort saint transformations would be
What does above the sequence mean [LotM Newbie]
Sunny x nephis was paced wrong and G3 should have waited for a different time to actually advance the relationship
[LOTM GENERAL] Law of Beyonder Characteristics Convergence
Change Star and lord of Shadows ( to be fair, calling Nephis a "little" odd is a understatement)
Divine lineage holder and their Flaw
What happened to quentin
Gods lineages
Theory on what happens to Sunny if he regains his fate.
Broken Sword's Rank
Worst flaw
i kinda can’t see ki song dying
[LOTM General] I was bored.
[LOTM V8] Power of miracles
Who knows the truth?
Nightmare Steed
Sunny's Fifth Aspect Ability.
[LOTM General] If there is any gathering scene of mythical creature form of all the pathways, LOTM will probably be one of the top horror stories of all times.
I don't any more is it worth reading
[LotM newbie] madness