Highest skill-ceiling-in-normal-play Wilds weapon?
Rechtse meerderheid in Europees Parlement steunt terugkeerwet uitgeprocedeerden
Texas Teen Suffering Miscarriage Dies Days After Baby Shower Due to Abortion Ban as Mom Begs Doctors to 'Do Something
Just got to Japan for a short trip and they had a whole rebirth of souls thing going on Akihabara!
does anybody know if we will be able to fight friends online?
Thank god you can mix inputs for combos
Do you guys think the combat system will be something close to a fighting game?
About combos
Happinet gamefest
Games gonna be at an event tomorrow
Why skip Fullbringer?
Why has there been so little info released and no demo?
Which mode first?
So, how do you feel about the gameplay after these showcases? Was it satisfying or did you wish for something more like having a complete showcase of each character?
Has Zangetsu been confirmed playable yet?
My Aerith cosplay (JyuSan)
【BLEACH Rebirth of Souls】ザエルアポロ・グランツ VS 涅マユリ ゲームプレイ動画 - YouTube
Anyone else out here just soloing?
Love when this happens
Secondary Weapon System
"A message from the Monster Hunter team: Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto, Executive Director/Art Director Kaname Fujioka, and Director Yuya Tokuda! This year marks 21 years of the Monster Hunter series."
Kikon/mortar launch