What does this mean?
What're you playing this weekend? 3/7
My 6 favorite games. What are your 6 favorite games?
My 6 favorite games
Who has never turned heel?
Picked up RE4 remake recently, played the demo as a kid but other than that it's my first time with any RE game. Who the fuck is this Leon guy??
AIO Girlfriend stayed out
Do you think all new Switch 2 games will be priced at $70?
Switch 2 release year prediction
Name a forgotten superstar I will go first
What would you call this tag team?
What is the greatest wwe theme
Who was the first wrestler who got you into WWE? I’ll go first.
Not going to lie if I saw this guy irl I shoot and steel his shit. (It’s a meme calm down I’m talking about character not the actual human )
Everyone is here!
Games for my non gaming wife
I didn’t preorder Sora, what’s my best chance of getting him?
Bowser’s Fury is overrated and I hate how people want that to be the next 3D Mario.
Games for someone who likes Mario games?
With the new Terry, Joker and Banjo restocks alongside Sora for next year, is it possible we can expect more or a huge restocks of other smash Amiibos?
Banjo-Kazooie Figures
Sora Gamestop preorder
Pretend it’s 2008, and sonic got revealed for brawl,what is your reaction?
why so much banjo mech but like the figure coming soon or the mumbo plush but no games last like 15 years
Would my "Ness" backpack be too much for Universal?