What’s a movie you’ve rewatched the most times?
On a jet plane by yaco
Consumerism Is A Disease
This one of the saddest deaths in 00
Can you recall one major event that happened to you since summer 2017?
What is your dream purchase that’s not a house or a car?
Have you ever lost interest in an anime because of an slow pacing? If so, which ones?
Am I the only one who doesn't hate Lothor?
I'm really enjoying her character so far.
If you had to guess. What genra of music do you think I listen too
Whats the first animated movie you ever watched in the theaters? Ill start.
Seriously, what fetish does anime have with rape or attempted rap*?
The Disgruntled Redditor Starterpack
We have all been there...
What are some things you wanted as a kid and bought now that you have adult money?
What is the best netflix cartoon? (image unrelated)
How similar is SAO to Bleach?
Ranking all of Build
"Well, I suppose so."
Which Family Guy characters should have become permanent or should not have been killed off?
What do you think is Best Girl of all of Gundam?
What’s the most overrated food in your opinion?
Reddit is full of negative, paranoid and unhealed people
Shape-shifting Protagonists
The Legend of Tarzan intro