Get a pic with 3 people/characters and title it “Sonic Heroes”
Second Art Teaser
Alr Everybody, I wanna see the fit you got rn
Me after hearing "This spot marks out grave" for 400th time
So I'm on Ng+4 and Idk what to lv up now, I was gonna do a 5 Ng+ rn
genshin but fat
Optimus and june darby by fred perry
Sigma Lightyear (by @SurrealMason_)
name a song that goes harder that this
What is your favourite FNF song?
What would you do if Skyblue was your mom ?
If you could choose a collab for cookie run what would it be?
I'm Vincin It.. Oh I'm Invincible
What is your fnf hot take?
You must describe a character but you must do it as if you were defending them in court! people have to guess who it was.
Wish me luck there's a tornado and I'm fucking scared pls pls wish me luck
What do you think your favorite character's boxing ring title would be if they were in smash?
Name someone who's green of St. Patrick's Day
Favorite robot?
Everyone gets a nemesis from another franchise. Who do you choose? #1: Ruby Rose
Me when I can't get the 3 gestures to get Master of Expression trophy after finish my playthrough:
Favourite weapon and why?
"We don't have to kill you to stop you, and we WILL stop you!" RWBY x Invincible Season 3 by EllBuster
Oh Ruby!
Gardevoir Sauna