Consistency is a Cheat Code Most People Ignore
David Goggins’ book killed my phone addiction
dopamine detox hacks aren’t the problem—you are
How in gods name do we not have an idea of where the money is?
LPT Request: How Should a 22-Year-Old Guy with Too Much Free Time Spend It Wisely?
Quick update on Third Coast Bank SSB
Pretty cool video on replacing scrolling with notebooking
Got my brokerage statements from Yotta. My funds were sent to Bell Bank. (Side note the routing number on all the statements is the Evolve routing number). Anyone have a good contact number for Bell Bank?
Claude Computer Use not generating correct coordinates?
Guys im barely making it😥
Jobs that would be perfect for ADHD women if capitalism didn't exist
My Coworkers turned on me
After Losing Everything, Here Are 5 Hard Truths I Had to Face
This so true
Every situation in life is temporary [image]
Zapier well positioned to dominate MCP's?
There is a lot of chaos in the news these days
What is one thing you wish you started earlier?
Am I living in a simulation?
I think we underestimate just how many posts on Reddit are written by A.I.
I think we're underestimating just how much posts on Reddit are written by A.I.
New Venom ‘Lingering Imprint’ Skin Trailer
It really is about having peace with whatever happens
What's the difefrence of using an API vs an MCP?