Anyone 100% off grid with a delta max 2 ?
"When commander's on defence and we are losing cap race" Never got around to finishing this - would love to get around to meme-ing the hell outta this film someday! (Beau Is Afraid 2023)
Rushing Omaha beach as Allies be like this... video from @columbiawarmachine9795 on YouTube
My photo of a weird shadow taken on Spike Island in the prison, back in 2016...ever been there? ever seen anything weird?
My photo of a weird shadow taken in Spike Island Prison, Ireland, nearly ten years ago...ever been there?
Did you know you can edit the start-up videos to whatever you want? Just name them the same as in the game's folder. Enjoy!
It's funny because it's sorta true 🥲
What gives you feelings of power?
I just ate a Grenade
OP as enemy detector
Gonna add this format to the Tenor GIF board, along with some other roles ;) Perhaps I'll edit this mixed in with footage from Hacksaw Ridge (2016)?
What a chad squad lead
When VOIP crashes...
When Vivox crashes...and you were explaining some rad shiz to the boiz ;(
Oh, excuse me. I just need to disable this real quick.
'A mic-less commander has appeared!'
The rush I felt from this recon play was incredible
Maybe he should!!
Send this to the Officer/Commander when he asks why you ain't in the strongpoint 🥲
If squads were full of COD players and you tried to ask them anything 😂
when I thought I've seen it all
'You have been assigned node duty, congrats'
Commander: "Where supplies for the garry?" Officer: "Support is on the way" The Support guy:
When you're waiting around for a new Support player to figure out a supply drop: