The look of shock on Rooks face says everything I couldn't.
Vi Cosplay by Me
Imagining how previous companions would look in Veilguard, Part 6: Vivienne
Seeking asylum with pigs
Went to an acnh themed aquarium
Just noticed this during Hall of Valor
Follow the Gaze
Hmm 🤔
The most beautiful onion I’ve ever bought
Drinking this chocolate milk is like drinking cake batter. It’s incredible.
My alternate Embrace eternity sculpt finally painted [oc]
Does Neve name her sprites
This is the funniest dialogue choice in the game.
Greyhounds on TV
Dosent show me e to confirm kill what
Caught this thing moving quite fast on my kitchen floor earlier today, anyone know what it is? 😃(South Florida)
First Grey, first TOT
Greyhound puppies
Never seen this here. Tell me if it's a repost
name suggestions for this angel!!
Rooing (and borking) on the beach at Greyhound Reach the Beach in Rehoboth
Is it safe to store blankets BEHIND the oven?
Guess who's the top [Original](Madeverette)
What is your favorite quote from the Eagle Bearer?
Hurt paw