Make good choices
Little nervous to try these out.
Best tasting fish species?
Why does my body not let me sleep in on the weekends?
What I’ve learned from wearing the same pair of boots for the past 5 months…
Can this be repaired
What talks thoughts on these?
What is the best advice you ever heard as an angler?
Franks boots sizing question
I adopted a new dog after my recent loss – mixed emotions
Bodie with his hillbilly teeth
Josh Allen when asked when he knew Buffalo was a perfect fit in 2018: "It was on my official visit when I was over there [Buffalo]. Got snowed in so I couldn't leave. I was visiting the Jets and the Giants that next day, but I didn't get out there.
I need help on sizing boots
Benson 😎
Real or fake?
Newly resoled Red Wing Iron Rangers I got today! They’re so comfy compared to my other ones. Loving the sole. Much better for my knee and foot. Much more cushion in the step. I love the hybrid aspect.
Are these IRs legit before I buy them? Not sure how to tell
What breakfast foods do you eat if you don’t like eggs.
Finally open water! I like ice fishing, but I’ve missed this.
I present the Great Tailed grackle
It’s been a day for both of them
Looking for boots, what lines are still good quality?
boot brand for small foot
Anybody identify this lure?
What is this bird I see at my local park?