And here is another old interview. Atrocious.
How many people are still fans of Poppy that were around from the beginning? How many fans who discover her now, do you think would actually like her old stuff?
My theory
r/SleepToken 100k Subscribers Giveaway Event
Found this old interview video of her
Regarding Poppy's old music and content
Which one is your favorite?
How long did it take you guys to become ST fans?
Poppy threw the shoe at Nicki Minaj 👠😔
I want to die.
Which song would you recommend to someone who has never heard a Sleep Token song before?
Hyposexual husband
There is no Justice for rape victims. The system is designed to protect abusers. It’s a man’s world and I’m ending it on Monday.
My biggest regret is not killing myself when I was a child.
Phone Wallpapers
Oh, just found out...
Do you think Poppy was GENUINELY happy during the Poppy.Computer era?
What's your favorite Poppy era?
I Did It
first year as a poppy stan and never felt better
I rejected my male friend and he threatened me he'll commit su*cide
An offering from my 4 years old
having feelings for a random user on reddit
things to do before taking your life