Job suggestions
Blades vs guard combs
Do these sleep patterns look like they'd warrant a sleep study? Yes, I am always tired no matter how much I sleep, and I fall asleep during the day.
WIBTAH for leaving the relationship without "fighting for it" after GF suggested open relationship?
AITA for telling my roommate that either his pregnant girlfriend stops whining or he moves out?
AITAH for telling my husband if he fights for custody of his kids I will divorce him?
AITAH for telling my boyfriend to get up earlier?
AITA for calling my sister's son spoiled?
Product recommendations
The crowded beach of Atlantic City photographed in 1908.
Graduated to wearing elastics! Do you use new ones with every change, or can I reuse the same pair? I need to eat every 2 hours so that'd be a lot of elastics changes...
Finally got allergy testing at 28 years old… this explains a lot.
In your experience, which one is most painful : powerchains or elastics?
Only top braces???
Inflamed gums
Those who got only one set of braces initially (top or bottom), how long was it until you got your other set on? :)
how did you find your ortho? was it by your dentist’s referral or a google search?
Anyone had IPR? I'm assuming it's a common thing. Had it today and my gums are wrecked 😫
505 days later
Got power chains on those three front teeth and now I'm feeling pain in my lower jaw. Normal?
Anyone know what this vine is? Growing around snake plant; thin vine, heart shaped leaves. Grows very quickly.
Retainers came out as I slept
Braces progress