No quiero suicidarme pero quiero tips?
Cómo moverme en buenos aires y no morir en el intento?
How to unban my tango live account please help me out?
What happened in 1941?
Trabajar gratis para ganar experiencia
Hello, help with how to push the floor, and projection any advice is welcome.
Mike what are you doing here?
Could swing classes harm my tango?
tips that have completely changed your tango dance.
what glue do I use for dance shoes
Hola, ¿que pegamento uso para unos zapatos de baile?
What is the best tango presentation you have ever seen on YouTube?, this is one of the ones I like the most.
Hola, cómo estudiar las orquestas de tango?
Hola que tipo de pantalones de tango que se vean bien. (Osea estéticamente)
What were the worst tango performance you have ever seen?