Speculation: Changing Perrin's Story in the Two Rivers
Found a Meme in the wild
Anyone else ever get stuck in a tree?
BG3 suddenly dropped FPS
Regarding cutscene on steam deck
OnePlus 9 - Stylus recommendations?
Option to Clear all schedules?
Been playing for a month! Wanted to show off some of my favorite screenshots.
Next episode is Yelsy's
Leona. That's it, that's the post.
I'm in the middle of Tales of Symphonic, my first in the series and I just needed to do a quick sketch of my favourite character so far
Books on DIY developmental editing?
Merging Symphonia w/ D&D 5e
In the words of Laplace, time for the adults to talk (ships)
Is one very weak eye common?
This is how I get through the week
My favorite part of Vesperia is when Yuri unironically tells Phoenix that the bird has no right to decide who lives and who dies, then faces no repercussions for his own hypocrisy.