Can I edit a SNES firmware (hsqs) so that the GUI looks like a NES Mini?
Who's a British actor everyone knows, but not by name?
So, we are next?
Maybe the frenchie weren't so bad after all
For all the recent Canadians refugees begging us to accept you in your club: outlaw this shit first. We have enough with Norway and Iceland killing cute whales. 🔪🐋
What is the best SNES controller and why is it the ASCII Pad?
Are most (non-translation) hacks / patch files normally meant for USA versions of ROMs, or for European versions? Or can it go either way?
What’s a social norm you secretly wish would disappear?
A German Tornado, Dutch F-35, German Eurofighter and a French Rafale guarding the skies above Europe. (We did not want to pay extra for a tiger sticker)
Jaaaaagggg Stereotype
De Gaulle apology form:
Barry is the only brave soul around here, it seems
(UK) How much are these selling for nowadays?
Which european countries produce the best TV Show?
Potential U.S. Peace Plan for Ukraine
Help identifying a snes motherboard
What is that sentence, if someone says it, you instantly know you don’t want to spend more time with them?
Which deceased celebrity/public figure was horrible when they were alive, but people treated them like a saint just because they passed away in a tragic or sudden way?
How stupid can she be?
As it should
Ça rigole pas au Québec
Gen Z think UK is racist and would not fight for their country
What difference does washing out your recycling make?
Doubt about the home screen
At least they finish in the top 6 almost every edition!
Did you sell Wood? And are you crying now?