What feeling would you say I captured with this?
What Name Would You Give To This Painting?
Does long hair or short hair suit me better?
What’s my nail shape?
AIO? Just got this text 5 hours ago. Partner told me not to worry about it
What kind of plant is this?
Lost Apple Watch
My mom burned all my drawings
AIO: Questionable texts on my (24F) boyfriend’s (25M) phone
Scam or not scam??
PC system warning scam or not scam?
aio for my girlfriend to be out with her boy bsf?
Is it mold or blueberries?
Hanging out with a person who is already cheating
Why do my legs feel like they are going to explode
AIO for calling out an old friend for spreading shit and lying about it
Am I over reacting?- My bf and I have been dating for a little over a month now and he has a celebrity crush, but I feel crazy now that I brought up it hurts my feelings.
AIO i want to break up with my boyfriend because he tried to feed his boogers to his dog
AITA for asking my gf to pay “half” for rent?
Please help this poor guy :(