So if the pca keeps the coral inside the planet why can the coorporations come and make their base in rubicon 3?
We always seems to “port” on a location but where do allmind located
Cooked ban list
My first ever win in sc2
I made a starcraft 1 (Terran Mission) inspired manga~
my first win video
Anyone know how much this worth?
Stuck on almost ready screen
Vagabond Fanart
This game got me on top of my seat(optcgsim)
Any pokemon in harbin?
Used all my luck for the next 10 years
8 packs in on my jp box i got the alt art can i got another alt art from my remaining packs?
Baldwin outlive salahuddin in my game 💀
This is why brawl box is superior then stardrop
Super earth teaching us the essentials on spreading “democracy”
Crazy shop pull
[HELP ME] Bi-Weekly Q&A thread - Ask your questions here!
Pg unicorn gundam cant fully close the psycho frame lookable
151 hp?
Just reached platinum
Why so many people do this scummy thing 😩
Just reach gold with jp