Can you say desperate?
If you had to die in the way of one of Lollipop’s victims, which would you choose?
Who do you think suffered more from the Entity: Rose or Skye?
Which Final Destination has the best movie poster
The characters replying to “Can you buy me pads?“
Do people normally brush their tongue when they brush their teeth?
What was the saddest moment in Saw for you?
When you remember a cringe moment from your past?
What is your hot take?
At what point do our feet become more sensitive and prone to be hurt?
What game had you crying or got you the closest?
Helluva Babies
What’s your favourite Helluva Boss song?
Was it the first time she saw his face? When he died?
How much must he trust her to lend her his staff?
You got hired to make a Undertale Movie. How would you try to save this project from being a complete disaster?
Is it ACTUALLY worth buying a hat in time? (be honest)
I Drew The Lollipop Demon in a Suit and Top-hat, and Made it A Little Cartoony
When Mum says you can get McDonald’s on the way home:
"You'd be prettier if you smiled more."
I hope this hasn’t been made yet.
How would y’all rank skyes outfits
Was The Rack a winnable trap?