Debunking The Myth of Dividend Cut During Recession
Response to Dividend Haters about Stock Drops by Dividend Amount on Ex-Date
Death and Taxes (and the Dividend Investor)
What Reddit Mainstream Investing and FIRE Subs don't want you to know about the infamous 4% "rule"
Wow guys, the Boogerhead just keep digging themselves deeper, now they claim "VTI/VOO and chill" are just meme and they didn't even hold it
Looks like someone's is taking a shot at us mobile 🤨
They've Moved On To Target Date Funds...
Breaking: At least half of the VOO shills banned from this sub has deleted their accounts
Correcting the common misunderstandings and propaganda against dividend investing
Recap of first week in the DividendGang community
Dividend or Portfolio tools
What conditions force dividends cuts to occur and are any of you worried about it?
But but but VOO/VTI is "diversified" !!
Why can't US Mobile do something like this?
VOO and Chill, but retirement delayed
"VOO/VTI and chill" are just meme, guys !
More Mental Gymnastics: Looks like valuation starts to matterzzz again ! LOL 🤡🤡🤡
GPIX distributions and taxes
The nature of stock market crashes
Index Fund n00bs already wavering
Employing Margin to Buy The Dip
How much time do I need to spend in the USA?
This is a reminder that the majority on Reddit mainstream investing subs are paid shills or morons
$400 sitting in traditional IRA, what would you drop it in right now?
Roast my portfolio