Giveaway, Regal Rivals Code
Not a counter
Do we name it?
Counter 2
10 years ago today…
I was NOT expecting that twist
Good Bot
Read the rest of the post
Doomsdat is just another altered version of tilted,
This is my cat
Going off to college soon, probably won’t be able to play Fortnite regularly for much longer. Just wanted to thank Fortnite and the Epic team for entertaining me for the past seven years.
Squad Update Sneak Peek 1
I am absolutely DISGUSTED by Techno. I can never look at him the same again...
Give me an image of your cat and I will draw them poorly because I am too tired to put in more effort
Chapter 5: Season 3 Hype Giveaway! 🎉
Going off your number, what Lego set are you?
It's that time of the year again
My people !!