Psst... I see dead people
What did you end up with?
So how come mileena has a different mouth and cant fontrol her actions unlike the other infected like Baraka? Does the tarkat virus have different variants or strains?
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Anyone knows how to unlock this Noob Saibot skin?
Name five things about this episode
Say a Phrase or show a Image that only your fandom Understands
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How does everyone feel about the MKx skins for Mk1
Where is half of New York?
If you could which one of these worlds would you live in
What are your Headcanons for Toshinori Yagi/All Might (and if you could Add and/or Change anything about him what would it be).
Did you guys choose Angel or Skye at the Clouds?
pardon my fuck but what the french is wrong with this guy?
What is the first anime you've ever watched?
Best non canon character that appeared in the MK franchise?
Who's beating this?
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Highway to penis
A jaki jest wasz wynik?
What's your favorite dark deku line
My friend sent me this drawing he made yesterday, should I be concerned?