Not perfect but a vast improvement !
Milo keeps messing with my video game plushies I have on shelves and I finally caught him in the act !
the story has come to an end 😭
my baby is gone
My dads Xbox that was burned in Sunday
My guitars were destroyed in a fire caused by a drone strike on my apartment
All my repros and unlicensed games. Many of them I made myself with an eprom burner
My friend who played Game Boy with me die from cancer.
Anyone got a name for this creature I drew a few years ago ?
NES Games With The Best Music
I may have gone on a bit of a tear...
Milo has taken over the bed
how are you meeting life partners if you didn't meet them in college, you don't want to live in your home state + can't date where you live but yet can't afford to move out?
December additions
The end result of Milo's flea bath...
How dangerous do you reckon JPW was?
Memories 🔥 🔥 🔥
Name the best game trilogy
Who’s your go-to?
Does anyone remember Nintendogs?
I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy (USA)
Glitch Grumlin
What’s your age
Recent additions to my collection
This explains it.