What tv show did your parents forbid you to watch growing up and why?
What’s a hard truth you’ve come to realize when it comes to love and relationships?
What’s something scary that happened to you that no one believes?
What’s something you will always spend money on no matter the price?
What is the most underrated Disney movie?
What’s the worst thing you have ever smelled?
What is the biggest red flag everyone needs to look out for in a relationship?
Which tv show character did you used to hate, but now realize they were the victim?
Which tv show character did you defend when you were younger, but now realize they were in the wrong?
Which tv show character started off smart and then got dumber and dumber as time went on?
What was the biggest drama you saw happen at a wedding?
Who was a YouTuber that you were a big fan of that just one day stopped making videos and disappeared?
What is the best Cartoon Network show ever?
What’s the saddest truth you know?
What episode from a cartoon you watch when you were younger that still creeps you out?
Cried after watching porn (has this happened to you)
What movie was so emotional and traumatizing that you can’t ever watch it again?
What’s something people think is rude, but you don’t?
When did you first realize you were getting old?
What is your “Achilles Heel”?
Which tv show had the worst ending to the series?
What’s something other people think is selfish, but you don’t?
Do you believe is Soulmates, why or why not?
Women, what’s a red flag women find in dating that you don’t think is?
Men, what a red flag other men find in dating that you don’t think is?