My wife just asked me a very important question...
Help identify where the leak is
Update: Help identify where this leak is
I always wondered what would have happened if Khal Drogo stuck around longer. How do you think it would have played out if he did?
This mod is actually going insane 😭
How would the Dothraki, after trying their usual way of intimidation, react when the Rohirrim screamed "Death!!! Death!!!!!! DEATH!!!!!" and charges towards them instead of running and breaking rank?
More worlds in KH3
WIP Trenches are coming along, dirt is down. Now onto adding little details and painting then weathering.
I’m working through a 100% play through of all the games on Steam. I’ve finally reached KH3… it’s better than a lot of people give it credit for.
Leak during first major storm
NYS prison strikes
Is this a SHARP related issue?
The Arkansas National Guard is purging any ‘DEI’ content from its social media posting history
Prints don't fit together
Soldiers with parents/relatives who are a high rank (O-5 and above etc.)…how has that impacted your military career? Do people treat you different?
Yujiro meets Rosen Garten Saga's Beowulf, what happens?
I get that Aang’s team is OP, but to call Korra’s bums is Unacceptable
Test printing rook, what went wrong.
New York deploys National Guard to state prisons amid labor strike
My Rank and file for my New Antioch forces are basically all finished.
How to defeat the forces of hell on earth in a few, simple steps:
Is the 1 weekend a month and 2 weeks a year a lie?
Is a national guard armory a literal armory?
I think the boys should split up for awhile
I thought you might dig what I've been working on, digital assets for apocalypse/trench warfare, modular ruins, blast craters, what else should I add ?