Does any one else have a coworker that extremely underperforms, but gets treated better than those that go above and beyond?
Those of you who interviewed: is not having ASP/CSP and CIH or a Master's Degree a dealbreaker in choosing a candidate?
How many years do I need to be "good enough?"
From her IG today 😍
So. Damn. Cute.
Siblings of the golden child, when did your parents' favoritism come back to bite them? What was the aftermath?
All I want for Christmas is a job offer.
Current pic for the profile creepers
Jeju, South Korea - volcanic wonderland
Had a phone screen interview. They asked if I told people at my current job that I'm looking for other employment opportunities.
My first Mercedes is a 2012 GLK
Just finishing 5 months backpacking, the majority of time was in east Asia.
What makes you know someone is well traveled without them telling you?
My wife always dreamed of a convertible, now she finally bought it. First ride:
One year later! Still can’t complain about the interior
Am I a loser for starting college at 31 years old?
Holy fuck an OF has to be coming soon
She's definitely one of the hottest girls of all time!!!
My innocent body needs your gentle touch
Parents with grown children who no longer speak to you, what do you think led to the estrangement?
Guys, Japan turned out exactly what you described!
What’s an insult you’ve heard that went TOO far?
What is one car that when you see it, you automatically think that a douchebag drives it?
Do the majority of Americans really live paycheck to paycheck?