Trouble breathing
Is $90/month for 500mbps insane or is that just me?
Nutria or Opossum?
Stay classy Jacksonville
(Not my image) Photo supposedly taken by a trailcam; what is it? [Florida]
Name ideas?
Is this a reasonable price?
Nutria or opossum?
Is this normal behavior?
I recently lost my best friend.
Let's settle this once and for all! Who's your favourite
Don't think it's just MY hobby anymore!
So did the Xenomorph come from the black goo or does the black goo come from the Xenomorphs?
say one bad thing about this movie
What are your top 5 favorite alien species of the franchise, here's mine
Is Crystal Cove located in California?
After rewatching for them 1,000th times hear me out...
My Alien 3d Print Collection
Aliens: Berserker
Meeting this little guy in 2 weeks
Fire and Ice STL's
“you don’t need to fix your French bulldog, his hips make it so he can’t mount your boston terrier” - the vet
Make me look like I’m actually in Game of thrones for $50
Previous owners had a Wine Chiller here. We don't care anything about wine. Thoughts on inexpensive ways to fill the space for now as well as what to place here permanently?