Everyone is a good actor.
If there were suddenly proof of no god, atheists w’be like “that’s fire” and continue on as before. While religious people w’be all “Look ma, no rules” and go all helter-skelter on errbody ass.
If you could only watch one show for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I heard it’s show your ass off at work day 😉
Avowed-What a pleasent surprise
Today I sold my first screenplay
Track going silent after mixing down
Visuals that stuck with you?
What if the purpose of our simulated reality is to solve someone else's problem?
If quantum physics says for every choice we make all the alternatives play out in another reality then there is a sequence of these that leads to the actual existence of Hell.
To teach France a lesson about ‘Whisky’ and ‘Champagne’
Who knew frying chicken could be so well paying
What’s the best opening scene in a horror movie?
Do you feel like you really lived life?
Do you mind if I interrupt pool night with the guys?
Suggest a Disturbing Graphic Novel
Women over 60: are you still having sex? Enjoying it?
What's one thing that's a turn off during pegging
Band name for a trio of 1 straight, 1 lesbian, and 1 bisexual
Friendly Reminder from the VLDL Team!
Why writing in public is different
What is your way of "Planning" for your book?
The sequel or prequel to Penfall?
Took me two years to write a first draft, this is what I learned:
What does everyone do after work?