Best Friend 22M said that he and I 24M aren’t best friends ,what’s next ?
Friend 22M told me 24M we aren’t best friends after 6 years is it time to move on ?
Posted on here a few months ago took some of the feedback wanted to know what people think of my voice now
1 Year ban for cheaters, and accounts banned for cheating a year + ago unbanned.
The largest unban wave in fortnite history is about to begin
What gpu should i get for 1080p gaming?
IRS Employee, AMA!
I’m happy about it, I swear
Got my refund!!!!
Codm really doesn’t like me
Looking to upgrade my pc need suggestions
Is anyone having “fun” playing this game after hitting Master Prestige?
Refund Issued!
Federal Received!
A fun thread. What's your refund going towards?
For all the camo grinders out there
AITA for refusing to help someone organize their house ?
The movement in this game 😅 This game isn't even a shooter still
Only one thing sucked about this game everything else was amazing
just wanna know honest opinions on my voice
As A Mnk Player We are supposed to hit every single bullet
MW2 MP you have been very good to me, you made me feel like a kid again. I shall miss you dearly
Me having a good game As a MnK player : MY Next it just a SKILL ISSUE?
43 year old father of 5 with a wife and job. It's possible for us uncs. 💪👴
I almost Died Working at CVS