Can anyone tell me please why I can't find a way to turn in this request ?
Hello. What about a new ship ?
Tip of the day special forktails (I know it's folktail but I said it way too long with a k) : If you have to choose a bigger reserve of either fuel or booster, choose fuel. They aren't slow as fuck when they are out of boost.
The 3 haulers archievement
What I am missing ?
3rd tip of the day special forktails : You can prepare links of windmills for whenever you need to build them and then pause platforms to build it in parts. That way, you don't use all your resources and only boost your power grid when necessary
Tip of the day special cities too big to find specific buildings : please don't forget you have a remote to do it easily from anywhere
I think i pissed off this furnace golem..
Now this is the cutest shit
Just started first playtrhough, what should i know??
looking for dwarves
Welp, I did it guys. I finished a homebrew campaign of 3 years from level 3 to 20
TIL Farmhouse robots actually put on farming hats
I found the xray googles accidently XD i.e., accidently found a way to find caves when you look for one
Tip of the day : Dont forget there's a lot of keyboard shortcuts to save those carpal tunnels (see the mouse isn't selecting what changes)
BTW flags go really really well on their tails
Relative NOOB cycle question ...
I can't figure out how to make custom boss stat blocks
elderly women swooning over trump.
Guys im really confused I want to get up this big ass mountain in Liurnia but don’t know how pls help(one week into the game and one of best games ever)
I don't know why, but my wood and it's fluctuations reminds me of another fluctuating number somewhere south of Canada...
Les derniers pics, à la monde sans terre. Waterworld ? WOOD AND WOOD !
I’m new to the game, and what are the “mathematically-efficient” trees and crops?
How do I kill the minor erdtree at weeping peninsula?
Did you know that by building dirt on top of isolated beavers, they temporarily gain Earth Glide ?