This pedophile said you told me what happened lol
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DBs Life
One more about Oppositional Personality Disorder.
Time to play this game called “ERICKAS’ FAULT” please all join!!
Jay Carpenter's Lies
Schadenfreude with Darrell at the end of trial
Through the Eyes and Ears of the Jury…
Same Monkey Suit!
what is the "stitched together" video shown at closing?
The Christians are wondering if DB can be saved
A question if I’m not interrupting.
DB is so stupid
Why was he so offended when caught in a lie?
he really thought he had perry mason moment with the photos
db’s picture day
How much weight is a passenger car bucket seat rated for?
Darrell Brooks 2010 Ford Escape Questions
Maybe one day…m
Darrell Brooks v. Judge Dorow Part 13 “The Most Memorable Day”
It don’t make me flinch one bit
Deputy is just waiting
This is what makes me mad (besides his existence)
Attempted Homicide of Mule Creek State Prison Officer