Who wins this
Which opening hits the same every time you hear it
What do you call a girl that fucks on the first date
What’s his name? (wrong answers only)
Evertale so i'm fucked
Who's coming to save you?
Redditors… whens the last time you had sex
How do i get uh... innappropriate mods...
Oath idea I thought of at 3am
Who would win in a cooking competition?
Someone reccomend me a good game with a combat system that really involves parrying. (bonus points if it involves a lot of exploring I will also take games that arent reliant on parrying but include a ton of exploring)
Which god/demigod would you worship? Most upvotes is the winner.
What did he ask rukia to do (wrong answers only)
Should I get ghost of tsushima directors cut on pc? whats the difference between the regular game and the directors cut (if any)
Name someone they can’t beat
Which one you like ?
Me and my mom eating while watching cory ❤️
Who here can survive a 100% punch from deku
I’m new watching anime, recommendations?
What's the most disrespectful anime moment of all time?
What anime/ manga do you think could’ve ended better?
What anime do you think needs another season?
difference between a 1997 and 1996 miata?
some one please send the skirby dog leak instead of gate keeping it like everybody else (im just curious and i dont rlly believe things untill i see them myself)
Tell me your favorite weapon and what oath and attunement you use with it