3.6 to 3.8 gpa, how are your applications going so far?
Fantasizing about that state school with an 80% acceptance rate 🤩
University of Florida - 2024-2025 EA/ED Megathread
Is community college the best for me?
8% oos acceptance rate and 43% in state acceptance rate is crazy
University of Florida Early Megathread
saying the n word
Ok like what major are y’all doing
Should I take AP classes as an international student if I want to apply to Ivy League schools?
How much will one B+ in a regular chemistry class affect my chances of getting into T20, T50 school?
My major is a joke (literally)
Who ever was accepted to McCombs please send stats
My friend keeps judging me for being behind on work when they use chatgpt!
Purdue EA is out!
How did yall choose your major?
I genuinely don’t understand how Ivy League tier students have time to do all their extracurriculars and get straight As in their AP classes
Guys how bad is 2 Bs in calc 💀 if I want to do CS at T20 and HYPSM
Is it bad to share my experiences?
Gimme school related memes I need a laugh
are you guys gonna film ur college decision reactions?
Public school suburban kid gets let down by reaches but lands a top target T30
Feeling useless and brainrotted rn
examples for business solutions project