Should I let the girl I’m going on a first date with this weekend know that I plan on moving out of the state I’m living in now once I get my career going?
Need fun first date ideas for a Sunday?
How do you survive the first few months on CPAP?
I’ve given up, I can’t find a mask that doesn’t hurt and can’t sleep.
Regardless of political preference, I think everyone can agree lol.
Isn't this Lego set awesome?
Where can I go to get my dashcam installed that I bought online?
Best purchase... Ever.
Didn't think that 2x points meant they'd ship me two sets when I ordered one 😲
It came!
My son is finally old enough to start building these together :)
What is a good farm to get meats from?
People who have built the pac-man and pyramid set, how hard is it to build? And do you recommend it to someone?
So, now that the candidates are set, how does this sub think this race will go?
Is there a mask that helps keep my tongue from blocking my airway while sleeping?
Anybody know where I could get some good fountain fireworks for the fourth?