This is a page from my upcoming coloring book, would you like to color it?
When I found him vs Now
Are the horses just dense?
The Duality of our son, Kobe
Took Stella & Venus on a road trip + hike
What's on the menu this year?
Arthur riding tiny donkey
Just found out they are paving Rim Rd 300
What's inside the boxxxxxxxx (ravioli)
What Are Starting To Dislike As You Get Older?
How do you choose your villagers? Based on looks or theme?
Do y'all name these lil icons when hacking or is that just me?
DIY Giveaway at Bee’s Knee!
anybody else just sit in their house and watch the TV?
New to ACNH
Does Barold look more like Seth Rogen or Jonah Hill?
From first designs to finished model took me nine months, but I made an AC:NH island out of Lego!
On the line 2022 is batshit crazy
Same villager repeatedly sick?
imma need someone to go apologize to Tamlin rn
Sunday funday :)
What is this? Ordered from Target and this if not FF Jade
Can you show me your Nicole restyles? She just arrived🩶
My seniors don’t want to learn. OK, but you’re going to work.