Everyone hush my shows on he's crashing tf out lmaooo
Art work
Does anyone know if she has a reddit snark page?
Will someone please make a reddit snark for this woman
I refuse to sit n watch him play stupid games online with Rev’s Husband. He doesn’t even show the game so like wtf are we suppose to be looking at anyways? At least have a mirror to reflect it! THE FUUUCK.
How old are all of us on this subreddit?
Honestly, I feel like this girl just makes up disorders as she goes.
Looks like ole REV has moved on to Mr. Eddie
What’s up with the skunk stripes?
What is he doing (aside from destroying the apartment)
“I know how to cook! I can make half the noodles stick to the pan like magic!!!”
now she can’t work..
Hey L
I am so sorry but what did you think was going to happen
i’m so over this girl
Got the video of him saying Jay talking about him fckn lilly is deep faked 🤣
The absolute stupidest sense of humor on anyone I've ever seen
Did she seriously say she's afraid of a blanket?
Ma'am, that's not cigarette ashes
Dicknose is live
God damnit he's on live rn but so are my other 3 top crackheads to watch
Oh no all 4 of my fav tiktok grifters are on live acting messy at the same time!!!
So wait I thought she had court a few days ago now she's saying it's tomorrow?