Type “I teleported” and let auto correct finish it
Thoughts on John Malkovich? What are his best films?
Poor fella was starving
How is the nanite ascension even good?
Ahm a sick man, can yew cure it?
Repost- I cut my hair and I regret it
My cat recently died and this the best pic I have of him❤️
Fighter Hat (or)
The last thing you ate is his name
The first object on your right would be this cat's name
Am I unlucky
Hit a kickflip in the jeep
18M I want to feel unworthy, I’m a big boy now I can handle it
i’m bored, rip me a new one!
What would you name this duo?
New player here! FUCK this quest
Got shot, bleed wouldn’t stop, and became sick
Kill Zone
Dying to cheaters on official is so fun
Beginner tips?
Of course the gun jams when I'm exactly on target.
I never get lost, die to sickness, lack of food or water anymore. Here are some freshie tips to avoid early starvation, navigating, and staying alive.
Increase local animal spawns?
This made me quit completely.
Should i choose sk 59/66 or cr550 savanna?