Gdje upoznajete nove ljude za Co-op igre?
6800XT for $360 or 7800XT for $460?
Koliko često plačete?
Gdje je granica između people pleasanja i poštivanja druge osobe?
Gdje je ljubav?
Klubovi u Rijeci ili Zagrebu gdje solo cura može sigurno izaći petkom/subotom? Slušam sve, vrsta glazbe mi nije bitna.
Sick and tired of the Evija
Družite li se s ljudima iz osnovne i srednje škole?
Seeing a lot of RTX 5000 & AMD 9070 upgrades, what GPU did you guys have before?
Which one are you guys going for?
S koliko godina biti nevin postaje sramota
What's the max age of a used gpu you would buy? For example is it bad to get a 6800xt considering it's out since 2020?
Kako koristiti sim za internet na laptopu?
Now you can rest, old man
Which video game made you cry or hit you right in the feels?
What’s the best Renault model you’ve owned and why?
Replacement window motor
Nissan Qashqai 1.6 dci 2017
probably, best car for linkups
Is the GPU situation doomed?
Amazon admits to selling 9070XT above MSRP due to supply and demand
What’s the most reliable Renault model that you’ve ever owned?
These prices are horrible!
Automatski mjenjac - Renault Megane 1.5dci 2015
Rx 6800 xt vs rx 7800 xt