is there a spectrum of beard colors like karate belts, or do you just kinda jump from greenbeard to greybeard at some point
I watched my nmom die recently.
"Underground missions can't work because of the impossibility to call stratagems" - I got a solution: drillpods!
Managd to kit bash an extra biovore using some spare parts from other nid boxes. How does the hive feel about this little guy?
Why is there a growing belief in Noahs ark and flat earth?
how to use pheromones bolts on the scouts crossbow effectively?
A New Beginning!
Why does food from restaurants taste so much better than when I cook the exact same thing at home?
Does anyone else level up each dwarf one after another? Rock and Stone!
After almost 1200 hours, I decided to 100% the achievements...
Anyone's narcissistic parent/s would get rid of their special childhood items?
What is your favourite engineer build?
I feel it needs more… more. First time painting
Are Bunkers actually worth It?
I feel petty but
I was an absolute tank back then.
We're from MIT, and we're studying how bots ruin online games—tell us your stories!
Were religions purposely created/modified to spread fear and control our society?
Nearly finished my first Hernkyn rider.
What does it mean an what do you do when a narcissist says, "If you're not gonna listen, I'm not gonna talk to you."
Why does valid criticism have to hurt
Does he know?
That ain't it, brotha
I think I’m not using this stand right