What monster would you want as a pet?
What animal do you look like the most?
What Pokemon starters did you choose?
Who do you not want as your permanent roommate in hell?
What’s the most gruesome death to have you can think of?
How has this year been treating you so far?
What’s your war cry when in bed?
What app do you use most on your phone?
Help me name my new little baby void 🤍 she has a small tortie pattern
What game do you play to much of?
What letter of the alphabet would win a battle royale between all of them?
What are some camping stories you can tell?
What are your thoughts on immortality?
What’s something in politics that confuses you?
What do you wish you smelled like all the time?
What order to play?
Some things I drew at school
What video game franchise has the best music?
What’s something you’re currently salty about?
How badly have you choked a game before?
Adopted my first ever cat today!
Why are you going to have a bad day today?
What hairstyle do you love seeing on a girl?
Why are you going to have an amazing day today?