I agree Admiral Jarok
Why is Captain Picard’s first shot lit like a supervillain reveal?
Does anyone else feel like Star Wars has ruined space combat?
BSG Episode Breakdown / Day 2 / The Worst
Say EU Fans. What is one thing from Legends (Characters, Species, Abilities, etc.) that you hope Disney never adapts into Cannon
(Guilty pleasure trope) Dominatrix-like villainesses
What is the thing that haunts Cassian the most?
Seasons so bad the fandom gaslights themselves that it doesn't exist
“The Prequels have the best fights” The only two remotely memorable fights across an entire trilogy:
Please recommend me literally any book written by a female author
She has docked!
Honestly I just want a REAL Star Wars film one last time.
[LOTR] Why was mining so deep in Moria considered greedy?
Everyone loves it… except you. What’s the most overrated movie?
Favorite Character who grew up rich/privileged but didn’t become a prick
Mixed on this trope, the villain is an allegory for an evil politician or the writers disliked politician?
Creatures that function like zombies, but aren't
The bear vs man thing is stupid
"Fight or Flight”
What did you enjoy/liked about the sequels? (Be for real)
Enterprise F XL model came in the Mail!
Add Your Ship to the r/StarWarsShips Fleet (Part 1)
Why doesn't the Empire name their ships after war crimes and the most heinous shit imaginable?