We haven't had a flair suggestion thread in a few weeks - Drop your suggestions below and we will pick 10.
Top 25 album covers of all time, Day 6
What is your guys least favorite joker. I’ll start…
What's everyone's best hand? Just got the game a few days ago. This is my personal best so far.
My top 25 rap albums of the 2020s
M18 what can i improve
why hasn't this voucher unlocked yet? it's the last one i need
im unable to leave the church and i can't get over internalized homophobia
it’s cheaper to use real money in a movie than it is to use prop money
You got to admit..the guy's got taste
What is this person talking about
This is Richard
thrifted this except the socks
Op doesn’t get what a shitpost is
You have $10.
Y'all agree with this?
Crooked penny haters are seething
Shitposting daily because I'm copying that other guy (day 115)
you’r microplastics are: damn uncanny
All the Utopia Merch Finally came!
Which Dot song you could never get into?
New Tattoo Rule
Who was it