How to break the role stereotypes that they give me?
Posts being critical of the show are not the same as hate, and this is a subreddit meant for discussion of the show, good and bad.
This makes no sense at all in the whole season 2…
If Mark is technically the most important man in the company then why...
Remember the scene from season 1…
I really thought we were going to get something, anything in this moment.
When I Recommend Severance To A Friend And They Don't Get Into It
Doesn’t this show make you want to be more like Ted? I think the world would be a better place if we were all a little more like Ted! ❤️
Currently rewatching and forgot how much I love season 3 episode 6!!!!!
Community theatre
What in the world is a “movement piece? How do I do it?
The show has not jumped the shark, but the online fandom definitely has…
PREDICTION: Jame Eagen has no idea what Helly R is capable of.
Get behind me queen I got you
Seen at a protest today in Philly
What gender should I put?
Really small comedic murder mystery?
Should I watch the play first or read it?
“You’re a straight man in theatre, so it makes sense that you’re a snob.”
Looking for romantic queer plays.
Self aware or intended mistake comedy?
Stage makeup for mustache
Some of These Writing Decisions are Becoming Impossible to Ignore
Why is birthing cabin same severed space as severed floor?
Y’all need to chill