Gullveig, Heiðr and alchemy, the fire initiation of Freya
Reviews 🔮
Tarot is your subconscious mind
First rune set
I’m an artist and I made a basilisk oil painting 🖤(OC)
What does this symbol mean?
The irony of Pluto: You need to work on your deepest wounds, but good luck ever clearly seeing what those are
Give me all of your silly, lighthearted and weird questions
Part 2. Give me all of your silly, lighthearted or strange questions!
Someone from the other side is calling you but you're not picking up the phone.. Who's calling?
Gimme your favorite Witch Influencers! YouTube Podcasts!
Pulling the Magician card, spiritually gifted child?
how do you use your intuition when reading?
Which spirit or deity is reaching out to you?
what was the most scary reading you’ve had??
Why the Temperance is not called "Combination"?
Spell for un attaching a demon from you
My psychic reading
Tarot guidebook (Goetia Tarot in the Darkness / Notoria Tarot in the Light / Light Seer's)
Tarot reading has left me depressed and scared
Metta meditation instead of casting a circle, or hallowing a compass?
Which nature spirit is reaching out to you?
I think my deck wants me to be an asshole reader.
What card is missing from the Tarot?
How important is it to be specific in questions?